AT 43 SF Wargaming a blast from the past

A month or so a go on our regular all day Sunday (2nd Sunday of the month)  I had a game of AT43 for old times sake with Dave using our mothballed figures.

AT 43 from the lamentably defunct rackham industries was an interesting SF Miniatures game similar to WH40K. The game had several factions Sundays game was between the Red Block and the Therieans


Above is the starting position for both sides Block on Left (obvisly comrade)  and the Therieans on the right. Note the other vital component of any game *Beer* 🙂 , Note that the Red Blok player had left the unit cards at home so I had to create proxy cards.


Going back to an old game was fun  and reminded us both how much we enjoyed the game I still have my wooden spoon from one of uk nationals held at games expo.


Games Con Leicester 2010

14th November 2010 saw the lads attend the first Gamescon Leicester,at leicester Racecource.

 This new event seemed to go well, with a good selection of traders,including Miniature Wargames. Our own demo team was the sole club, displaying our Elven Civil War game, as played at Colours 09. The upper floor was dedicated to tournament play, with Magic the gathering, Yu Gi Oh, Warmachine, Warhammer, FoW,40K and the UK national AT43 tournaments.

 Our club had two entrants in the AT43 competition, showing our support of an excellant system despite, Rackham Entertainment recently going into liquidation. Indeed the tournament organisers recieved the prizes with in only days of the announcement of Rackham ceasing trading.

Here we see the Tournament floor, with the AT43 tables in full swing

The other end of the tounament floor, with more AT43 tables, and the CCG tournament area beyond

 Dave Wilkin’s first game with his Cogs up against Tom Boddicoats Karman force. A crushing defeat for Dave,by the eventual Champion, indeed the Vandal (seen in foreground) was captured by Tom and used to devestating effect against it’s former owner!

 Our other player, Maurice in his first game using his Red Bloc against a young UNA player. There were a few youngsters in the tournament, and they seemed very knowledgeable on the system,and all involved had a great time. We hope some enterprizing company takeds up the IP and continues what is a great system, with inovative game play. It is doubly sad as a few of the people here were about to engage in the beta testing of the second edition of the rules for AT43, which could have given new vigour to the game .

As for Games Con Leicester  the event seemed to go well, and we hope it goes to a second year with more support from the wider gaming public. Thanks to Zoe and Floris for a great fun day out.

AT 43, Napoleonic’s 40k and Warhammer August All Dayer

At the recent all dayer we had a number of experimental battles with keen war hammer players trying out the new war hammer rules to work out how the changes will effect the game.


Warhamer Game


Dave and Maurice had a test large (3000 points) game of AT 43 a mixed Red Blok and ONI taking on the Cogs. Here the Cogs Vandal takes a bead on the Dotch Yaga.


AT43 Cog Vandal

One of the ONI Mercenary AVF’s looks for a new target – the game end up as a phryic victory for the Cogs.



We also had a Napoleonic game using Age of Eagles

Napoleonic  Wargame and the last picture is a 40K game

40K Game

WW2 Games and AT43 Last Monday

We had a new set of WW2 skirmish rules from crusader miniatures rate of fire that Dave picked up at salute at the weekend. American troops taking cover behind a handy hedge.


81 MM Mortar crew in action

ww2-mortorWe also had a Flames of War game Soviet vs German, flames having a bit of a resurgence after it all going a bit quiet for a while.


We also had an AT43 Oni Vs Red Block game Oni  Mikes ONI whiped the floor with my Red Blok taking out Urod which is unusual.


Vlad (ONI Type 3) and MS Bokov doing what she does best I can see ONI being popular choices for AT43 Tournaments this year.


AT43 Cogs debut, 40K, Warhammer and FOG

Last Monday we had a range of games on show with the new Faction for AT43 the Cogs getting an outing and soundly thumping Maurice’s Red Block.


Does my bum look big in this the Cog type 3 AVF the Vandal showing off. This was the  unit that did most of the damage to the Red Block. (thanks to Dave for lending his new Cogs box out)


We also had another test game for our Warhammer competition (it must be a test as you can see unpainted figures)


We also had a 40k Game


And a 800 pt FOG game


And our stalwart boardgamers.


Games Expo 2009 Trip Report Part 1 AT43 Tournament

A Couple of the Gladiators have just returned from a 3 day trip to Games Expo 2009 held in Birmingham this weekend. Dave and Maurice where attending the AT43 Tournament and decided that it made sense to make a weekend of it.

Friday was a leisurely evening spent in the Bar of the conference hotel were we managed a few games including roping in some random passerby’s to play  the “War on Terror” boardgame.


We also had a demo of an interesting card came LeCardo from the designer Leo Marshall its a bit like scrabble you compete to make words from cards.


Both Dave and I enjoyed this in fact its such an interesting game that we will do a proper review later on.

Saturday was an early start as we queued up we saw some DALEK’s and the TARDIS  being unloaded. The AT 43 Tournament took up most of Saturday with a few 20 min breaks.


Dave and his Therians taking a break


Maurice in his last game


The eventual First and Second Players this time Zoe came second unlike the weekend before in the final test games at Leicester where she came in first.


The Winner and one of the prizes the first Dotch Yaga in the UK. The Bedford players finished 11th and 6th. Thanks to Dave and Floris form Pheonix games for organizing the competition and to SMG, Ziterdes and Rackham.


4 go to Leicester

Last Sunday 4 Gladiators made a trip up to Leicester for the second monthly AT43 Competition at phoenix games we all got 3 games of at43 using a 1600pt companys. Here Rob deciphers the set up rules (notice the snow boards)


Maurice playing Dave (Cranfield club) eventually this game was declared a draw as we ended on the same number of VP’s but the sole remaining Karman unit could not hurt any or Maurice’s Red Blok.


A wider shot of the upstairs gaming room at Phoenix Games


Some of us took the opportunity to stockup on some new AT43 goodies Frostbite and the New Hussar (which had its combat debut the following monday)

Visit to Phoenix Games in Leicester

Last week end two of the gladiators went to Phoenix Games in Leicester to play in a small Sunday AT43 Tournament.

Maurice with Red Blok and Dave W With Therians . We both arrived around midday though Dave had to contend with Leicester’s one way system 🙂 The Shop has a nice upstairs room they use to host games and they had around 12 players, we both managed two games Dave being 2 and 0 and I Won one Lost one.

5 Games under way at the start of the day.


at the end we had a big game 5v5 using all the boards to save time we used a shuffled deck of unit cards ala confrontation rather than the more normal AT 43 activation sequence.


Thanks to Floris for hosting us and for putting on an interesting event

Games over Christmas Break

Members of the gladiators have been busy playing a range of games away from the club.  Dave  and Graham have been leaning a new set of rules fields of glory and had a couple of  game in Daves gaming room. Armies are 15mm, Italian Condotta, Vs Grahams Germans with Swiss mercenaries. First a wide shot from one of the games showing the start of the battle.


later in the day the pike bloc strikes home.


and one of the armies baggage train and camp



After New Year the first game of the year was a 2000 point AT43 Game where Daves new Baal Golgoth figure could have its combat debut vs Maurice’s Red Blok.

This was a larger game where we could try out a large points value than we normally do  and see how type 3 Armour units would work.

The Baal Golgoth enters the game looks like its going to be a hard fight Comrades


The red block infantry rush forward to take up positions having realized the best way to stay out of a Hekat’s blades is to climb some stairs (the Dalek defense) Krazny Soldat in the back ground dragonov kommandos in the foreground.


Unfortunately the type 3 thereian ruled the board and  after a heroic struggle with the Blok had to admit defeat. Here the Red Blok commanders admit that they need a bigger gun after ejecting from Urod. Later in the Game they did manage to finish off a Therian infantry unit  which is a first.


Thanks to Dave for kindly hosting us in his gaming room.

AT43 Mini Campaign Pics

Two weeks ago we held a small AT43 Campaign at the Wargames Workshop as we announced a while back here first of we have yours truly and my Red Blok Frontline force fighting a tricky UNA force The fire toads are playing hunt the Urod.

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Next the Karmans are taking the lead vs another UNA force

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A couple of close ups of first a red Block game with frontline armor taking point.

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and a close up of one of the Karmen games.

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